Online Documentation for SQL Administrator for SQL Server

Work area

Work area is used to create tabs or windows. The layout type is to be selected in the Environment Options.


Work area



Tabs or windows allow switching between work areas.

Every section of the Server Explorer has the Refresh Refresh button on the toolbar which allows refreshing the content of the section.

Some sections which grids are displayed in have the ColumnChooser Column Chooser item on their toolbars which allows you to change the number of displayed columns and their positions.



The layouts of the following sections of the Server Explorer can be customized according to your liking:


Suppose we need to customize the layout of the Security section.

Click the CustomizeLayout Customize Layout button situated on the toolbar. The Customization window appears.


Customization - Hidden_Items




Separator is used to separate one section from another.


Customization - Separator



Splitter controls are used to resize docked controls at run time.


Customization - Splitter



The context menu of each item looks the following way:


Customization - Item_Context_Menu



CustomizeLayout hide customization window and save changes;

HideItem delete the selected item from the work area;

Group create a group of items;

CreateEmptySpaceItem create an empty section;

SizeConstraints set item size constraints;

ResetToDefault reset all size settings to default;

FreeSizing enable/disable free sizing;

LockSize fix the current size of the item;

LockWidth fix the current width of the item;

LockHeight fix the current height of the item.


In the context menu of the Label item you can also find the Rename Rename item which allows you to set a name for the selected label item.


When you choose the Group Group context menu item a new group appears in the Layout Group list situated on the Layout Tree View tab of the Customization window. To delete a group select the Ungroup Ungroup item of its context menu. Also the group context menu allows you to:

CustomizeLayout hide customization window and save changes;

Rename rename the group;

HideText hide the group heading;

TextPosition text position (determines where the group name is situated);

CreateEmptySpaceItem create an empty section;

CreateTabbedGroup create tabbed group;

For the tabbed group you can:

UngroupTabbedGroup ungroup tabbed group;

AddTab add a new tab.


The Layout Group node of the Layout Tree View tab shows the elements created on the work area. In the Security section there are three pre-created items:

  • Server Security Options
  • Database Security Options
  • System Administrators


Customization - Layout_Tree_View



When you click the item name in the list the frame of the corresponding section on the work area is highlighted.

Then you can drag the section to any place you want and resize it if necessary.


Customization - Dragging_Item