Online Documentation for SQL Manager for InterBase/Firebird

Selecting database and execution mode

This step of the wizard allows you to specify the database name, shutdown / bring online options, and execution mode.


Rebuild Indices - Selecting database and execution mode



Use the drop-down list to select the database for recomputing/rebuilding indexes.


CheckBox Shutdown database before service start

Select this option to shutdown the database before Recomputing/rebuilding indexes. For details see Start/Stop Database.


CheckBox Bring database online after service finished

Select this option to bring the database online after Recomputing/rebuilding indexes. For details see Start/Stop Database.


Execution mode

RadioButton Use local utilities

Select this option to recompute/rebuild indexes using local utilities.

Note: To enable this mode, you need to specify the location of the utilities in the Path to database utilities field on the Connection page of the Host Registration Info dialog.


CheckBox Use service manager (use files on server)

If this option is selected, the recomputing/rebuilding indexes will be performed with the service manager used.


RadioButton Use services

Select this option to use the server services for the recomputing/rebuilding indexes operation.


Click the Next button to proceed to the Selecting action for indexes step of the wizard.