Online Documentation for Data Generator for Oracle

Step 3 - Specifying generation parameters

At this step you can select columns for generating data and set various data generation parameters.


Selected tables are displayed in the Generate data for tree at the top-left side of the window. Table columns and their types are listed in the grid of the Columns list area below.


Records count

Set the number of data records to be generated for each table.


CheckBox Clear

Set this flag for a table to empty the table before data generation.


Disable triggers

This column is visible if there are active triggers on one or more tables selected for data generation. Set a flag for a table to disable triggers associated with the table during data generation.


Insert type

Use the drop-down list to select the data insertion type:

  • insert: common data insertion type
  • merge: data are read from the source and INSERT or UPDATE operation is performed in the target table depending on a condition (note that for this generation type you will need to select a key column; if the table has a key column, this column will be automatically selected as the key coumn for the merge operation)



Click the Preview button to browse the selected table data in the preview mode.


Step 3 - Specifying generation parameters


When you select a table in the Generate data for tree, you can set data generation parameters for each of its columns within the Generation properties area at the right side of the window. Use the btnSelectAll btnUnselectAll and the btnInvertSelection buttons to manage columns within the Columns list area. For each  column you can set the following:


CheckBox Set NULL value in ... % of cases

Check this option and specify the percentage of NULL values for the column data, if necessary.


Other generation parameters vary according to the data type of the selected column:


If a column is part of a foreign key, you can select one of the following options for this column:


RadioButton Generate data from the dependent column

Values for the column will be taken from the corresponding column(s) of the foreign table(s).


RadioButton Generate data from list / SQL-query

 RadioButton Ratio 1:N

If this option is selected you should specify the N value using the spin-edit box below. Data will be generated into the column related as 1:N, i.e. n records will be generated into the foreign table for each record of the primary table.


Step 3 - Generation properties - Ratio


When you are done, press the Next button to proceed to the next step of the Wizard.