Online Documentation for SQL Backup for SQL Server

Update EMS SQL Backup

EMS SQL Backup update process consists of EMS SQL Backup Administration Console and Server-side components update.


In order to update EMS SQL Backup Administration Console, please, do the following:

  • download the full installation package of EMS SQL Backup from the download page available at our site;
  • close EMS SQL Backup application if it is running;
  • repeat the steps you have made for the first-time installation;
  • run EMS SQL Backup using its shortcut in the corresponding group of Windows Start menu.


After EMS SQL Backup Administration Console is launched you will be warned that server-side components version is out-of-date. You will be offered to update server-side components. This is done by means of Update/Remove server-side EMS SQL Backup components.


If you do not have permissions for remote update of server-side components via EMS SQL Backup Administration Console you can copy EMS SQL Backup setup file to the server machine and run installation there. Server-side components update process locally on a server is similar to their installation process and is performed by means of Stand-alone remote components Installer. To update server components you need to select the CheckBox Update option and then select instances on which you want to update components.