Online Documentation for SQL Manager for SQL server

Trigger Names

Use the Trigger Names tab to set the template for the name of the newly created trigger.


Object Templates - Trigger names


The following tags are available:

{table_name} - the name of the table in which the trigger is created;

{table_schema} - the name of the schema that contains the table;

{num} - the ordinal number of a trigger with the same name;

{num_for_dup} - the number of a trigger which is applied if the trigger with the same name (without an ordinal number) already exists;

{trig_type} - tag value of the trigger type which is defined in the Trigger type tag value;

{trig_events} - tag value of the trigger events which are defined in the Trigger events tag parts.


Click the tag to insert it at the cursor position.


Trigger type tag value

Here you can specify templates for trigger type tags added to default names of After and Instead of trigger types.


Trigger events tag parts

Here you can specify templates for trigger events tag parts added to trigger events: Insert, Update, Delete.