Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2

Instance Services

SQL Manager for DB2 provides support for a number of instance tools you may need to manage your DB2 databases.


Backup Database

Backups database.


Restore Database

Restores database from a previously created backup.


Rollforward Database

Runs the rollforward database service.


Restart Database Wizard

Allows you to perform the Restart Database operation.


Quiesce Database Wizard

Allows you to perform the quiesce database operation.


Unquiesce Database Wizard

Allows you to perform the unquiesce database operation.


Ping Database

Pings the selected database.


CLP Tools

DB2 CLP utilities: export, import, load, move.


Reorganize Tables

Runs the reorganize tables service.


Reorganize indexes

Runs the reorganize indexes service.


Run Statistics

Runs DB2 database statistics.


Stop Database Manager Wizard

Allows you to perform the Stop Database Manager operation.


Start Database Manager Wizard

Allows you to perform the Start Database Manager operation.