Online Documentation for SQL Manager for Oracle

Specifying additional options

Use this step to define additional options for the operation.


Output directory

Specify path to the output files.


TKProf Wizard - Specifying additional options


CheckBox List only first N SQL statement(s)

Define the amount of the statements to be included into the result file.


CheckBox Aggregate multiple users

Enable the option to list statements of all users. By default only current user statements are included to the result file.


CheckBox Do not list SQL statements run as user SYS

Enable the options to exclude statements that were executed under the user SYS.


CheckBox Generate Insert file

Indicates whether the file containing Insert statements should be generated.


CheckBox Generate Record File

Indicates whether nonrecursive queries' results should be inserted to the record file.


CheckBox Open folder after creation

Enable the option to open the output directory after operation is performed.


To Close the wizard after successful completion use the corresponding option.


To launch TKProf with the defined settings press the Run button.