This error is generated by MySQL server because you don't have privileges to connect to the server from your host. Please contact your database administrator to resolve this problem.
EMS DB Extract for MySQL is a powerful and easy-to-use utility for creating database backups in a form of SQL scripts. It allows you to save metadata of all database objects as well as table data. With flexible customization of the extract process you can select objects and data tables for extract and tune many other extract options. MySQL Extract includes a graphical wizard, guiding you through the extract process step by step, and a command-line service for creating backups in one-touch.
First of all you must have an opportunity to connect to some local or remote MySQL server. Besides you need your computer to satisfy the system requirements of EMS DB Extract for MySQL.
You can configure the template files for each table or export type visually using the DB Extract Wizard. Set the required export options on Step 3 of the wizard and click the ‘Save Extract Options‘button. All the options will be saved to the template file, which can be used by the console application.
EMS DB Extract for MySQL includes some additional features, which are not available in SQL Manager for MySQL, such as:
- extracting metadata from several databases on one host;
- console application for executing extract in one-touch;
- faster execution speed.