Online Documentation for SQL Backup for SQL Server

Backup file options

At this page you can find backup file options.


Editing Service task template - Backup Database - Angel Files


Backup folder

Specify backup destination directory. For your convenience {backup_root_folder} and {server} tags are provided. The directory which the {backup_root_folder} tag stands for is configured in the Server-side components Properties dialog.

You can check availability of the defined folder by clicking the corresponding button.

Note: The Check button is available only if backup is configured on a single server.


Backup file name

Define backup file name. Type backup file name manually or form it using variables. For your convenience {server}, {database}, {backup_type}, {date} and {login} tags are provided.


Note: To insert a tag in the field simply click it in the list of Available tags.


RadioButton Backup to a single file

Select this option to backup all selected databases to a single file.


RadioButton Backup to several files

This option indicates that backup should be split to several files. Splitting the backup can in some cases speed up the backup process.


RadioButton Split by size

Indicates that backup file will be split to volumes of the specified size.


RadioButton Split by database

Indicates that each database will be backed up into a separate file.


Note: Backup to several files option is disabled for SQL Server backup provider.