Online Documentation for SQL Manager for SQL server

Managing full-text indexes

The Indices tab of Full-Text Catalog Editor allows you to manage full-text indexes and specify their properties.



This area lists the tables containing indexes that will be used by the full-text catalog.


To add a full-text index, right-click within the Indices area and select the iconPlus Add index popup menu item, or use the corresponding button at the bottom.


The Select Object dialog allows you to specify a table or an indexed view to use indexes from.


Full-Text Catalog Editor - Select object



Hint: The context menu of the Select Object dialog allows you to toggle the Icons/List object representation mode.


To remove a full-text index, right-click the index within the Indices area and select the iconMinus Delete index popup menu item, or use the corresponding button at the bottom.


Full-Text Catalog Editor - Managing full-text indexes




Select the unique not null key index from Unique index dropdown list, which is required for a full-text index.


Select the Filegroup for creating a full-text index. If 'Default' value is selected the full-text index is placed in the same filegroup as base table or view for a nonpartitioned table or in the Primary filegroup for a partitioned table.


Select the full-text Stop list for the index. The index is not populated with any tokens that are part of the specified stoplist.


Use Search property list to associate with the index.


If a table index is enabled (i.e. the CheckBox Enabled flag is set in the Indices list), you can select the unique index and set the Track changes property:


RadioButton Auto

Specifies that SQL Server automatically updates the full-text index as the data are modified in the associated tables.


RadioButton Manual

Specifies that the change-tracking log will be propagated either on a schedule using SQL Server Agent, or manually by the user.


RadioButton Off

Specifies that SQL Server does not keep a list of changes to the indexed data.



This area lists the columns of the selected table. Set the Language of the data stored in each column. Specifies the Data Type that is used to hold the document type for a varbinary(max) or image document. Tick Statistical Semantics on to create the additional key phrase and document similarity indexes that are part of statistical semantic indexing.