Online Documentation for SQL Backup for SQL Server

Server popup menu

This popup menu is available for the server at DB Explorer.


Servers Management - Popup menu - Server


iconNewSubFolder Create New Group (or Ins key)

btnRegisterHost Register Server launches the Register Server Wizard.

btnUnregisterHost Unregister Server

btnDBProperties view Server Properties

GetBackupToConsole get backup file from the server to the console side

iconRefresh Refresh server subobjects and policies (or F5 key)

Policy Maintenance Policies

CreatePolicy Create new Policy

CopyFromTemplate Create from Templates to create a policy based on the created template.

ConvertfromMaintenanceplan Convert from Maintenance Plan runs the Maintenance plan conversion wizard.

PausePolicy Pause All Policies on Server stops policy scheduled execution until resuming

ResumePolicies Resume All Policies on Server launches all stopped policies of the server

Quick_Maintenance_Actions Quick Maintenance Actions opens the list of Maintenance Actions for quick immediate launch.

Show_history Show History opens the Viewing Policy History window.

ServerProperties view Server-side components properties

Install/Update/Remove server-side EMS SQL Backup components runs the corresponding wizard.

Activate license on server

Deactivate license on server

Send bug report to EMS

AddToShortcuts Add the selected object to shortcuts

Collapse Collapse all groups

Expand Expand all groups