Online Documentation for SQL Administrator for SQL Server

Job history

This section allows you to view the whole history of performed jobs and execution of every job step.

Use the context menu or buttons on the work area toolbar to manage the list of job history:


Refresh refresh the content of the job list

ColumnChooser choose columns to display

StartJob start job execution

Edit edit job

EditJobStep edit job step

ClearJobHistory clear job history

Print create and print the report

Date Interval - select an interval to display jobs within

Job - select a job from the drop-down list to display information about


SQL Server Agent - Job history



In the Job History section you can view the following information about the current job: Run Date, Job Name, Run Status, Duration, Retries, Server, Notified by Email, Notified by Pager, Notified by Net Send.


To open a job in the Job Editor, double-click it in the grid. Alternatively, you can right-click the job alias and select the Edit Job context menu item.


In the Step History section you can view the following information about all steps of the job: Run Date, Step ID, Step Name, Run Status, Duration, Retries, Error ID, Severity, Message.


To open a job step in the Step Editor, double-click it in the grid. Alternatively, you can right-click the job step alias and select the Edit Step context menu item.


See also:



