Online Documentation for SQL Administrator for SQL Server

Specifying checks to perform

Use this step of the wizard to specify the checks to perform on each selected database.


Check Database Wizard - Specifying checks to perform



!CheckBox Check the entire database (DBCC CHECKDB)

Select this option to execute a check of the entire database including allocation checks in addition to checks of index structure and data integrity.


!CheckBox Check the allocation and structural integrity of a specified filegroup (DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP)

Select this option to check the allocation and structural integrity of all tables and indexed views in the specified filegroup of the current database.


Use the drop-down list to select a filegroup to be checked.


!CheckBox Check the consistency of disk space allocation structures (DBCC CHECKALLOC)

If this option is selected then checking allocation and page usage is performed.


!CheckBox Check the integrity of table/view pages and structures (DBCC CHECKTABLE)

Select this option to perform checking of a single table, indexed view, or even a particular index.


!CheckBox Check for the system catalog consistency (DBCC CHECKCATALOG)

Select this option to check the consistency in and between system tables of a specified database.


!CheckBox Checks the integrity of constraints

If this option is selected the checking of the integrity of a all constraints is performed.