Online Documentation for SQL Administrator for SQL Server

Procedure Editor

A Procedure is a set of procedural constructs and embedded SQL statements that is stored in the database and can be called by name.


When you create an application with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (and higher), the Transact-SQL programming language is the primary programming interface between your applications and the Microsoft SQL Server database. When you use Transact-SQL programs, two methods are available for storing and executing the programs. You can store the programs locally and create applications that send the commands to SQL Server and process the results, or you can store the programs as stored procedures in SQL Server and create applications that execute the stored procedures and process the results.


A stored procedure is a saved collection of Transact-SQL statements or a reference to a Microsoft .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR) method that can take and return user-supplied parameters. Procedures can be created for permanent use or for temporary use within a session, local temporary procedure, or for temporary use within all sessions, global temporary procedure.


Procedure Editor allows you to create new procedure, execute the existing procedure or edit its definition. It opens automatically when you create a new procedure and is available on editing an existing one.


To open a stored procedure in Procedure Editor, double-click it in the Procedures list.