Online Documentation for SQL Administrator for SQL Server

XML index options

Use the XML index options tab to set properties for the XML index being created. The settings on this tab are available only if the !RadioButton XML index was selected on the Properties tab.


Index Editor - XML options



!RadioButton Primary XML index

A clustered index is created with the clustered key formed from the clustering key of the user table and an XML node identifier.


!RadioButton Secondary XML index

Secondary XML index can be created only in case the Primary XML index has been already created. Secondary XML index may be one of the following types:

!RadioButton For value

This selection indicates creation of a secondary XML index on columns where key columns are (node value and path) of the primary XML index. If your workload involves querying for values from XML instances without knowing the element or attribute names that contain the values, VALUE index may be useful.


!RadioButton For path

This selection indicates creation of a secondary XML index on columns built on path values and node values in the primary XML index. If your queries generally specify path expressions on xml type columns, a PATH secondary index may be able to speed up the search.


!RadioButton For property

This selection indicates creation of a secondary XML index on columns (PK, path and node value) of the primary XML index where PK is the primary key of the base table. Queries that retrieve one or more values from individual XML instances may benefit from a PROPERTY index.