Online Documentation for SQL Administrator for SQL Server

Query tool

!CheckBox Results on separate tab

If this option is checked then query results will be displayed on a separate tab of the Query Editor.


!CheckBox Switch to results tab after execution

Check this option to view query results on the results tab immediately after the query execution


Options - Query tool



!RadioButton Messages as table

If this option is checked then Query Editor messages on the Messages tab are displayed as a table.


!RadioButton Messages as text

If this option is checked then Query Editor messages on the Messages tab are displayed as a text. Such view allows copying error messages.


!CheckBox Add SQL text to messages

Check this option to add SQL statements to messages


!CheckBox Execute in transaction and rollback on error

Check this option to rollback a transaction automatically in case of an occurred error.


!CheckBox Stop execution on error

If this option is checked then the query execution will be stopped in case of error.


Timeout, seconds

Set the number of seconds for SQL Server to wait before canceling the query. A value of 0 indicates an infinite wait, or no time-out.


Maximum number of returned rows

Specify the maximum number of rows to return after the query execution.


Maximum size of returned text data, bytes

Define the maximum size (in bytes) of text data to return after the query execution.