Online Documentation for SQL Manager for InterBase/Firebird

Using Navigation bar, Toolbar and context menu

The Navigation bar, Toolbar and context menu provide quick access to tools implemented in Grant Manager.



iconDB select a database for grants management



iconCompile compile changes in privileges

iconRefresh refresh the content of the window

iconRestoreDefaultSize restore the default size and position of the window



iconGrantManager_Grant Grant - grant a permission on an object to the selected grantee (user/role/view/trigger/procedure);

iconGrantManager_Revoke Revoke - revoke a previously granted permission;

iconGrantManager_GrantWithGrantOption Grant with GRANT Option -grant a permission (with GRANT Option) on an object to the selected grantee (user/role/view/trigger/procedure);

iconGrantManager_GrantAll Grant All -grant all permissions on an object to the selected grantee (user/role/view/trigger/procedure);

iconGrantManager_RevokeAll Revoke All -revoke all previously granted permissions on an object;

iconGrantManager_GrantAllWithGrantOption Grant All with GRANT Option - grant all permissions (with GRANT Option) on an object to the selected grantee (user/role/view/trigger/procedure);

iconGrantManager_GrantOnAll Grant on All - grant a permission (with GRANT Option) on all objects to the selected grantee (user/role/view/trigger/procedure);

iconGrantManager_RevokeOnAll Revoke on All - revoke a previously granted permission on all objects;

iconGrantManager_GrantWithGrantOptionOnAll Grant on All with GRANT Option

iconGrantManager_GrantAll Grant All on All - grant all permissions (with GRANT Option) on all objects to the selected grantee (user/role/view/trigger/procedure)

iconGrantManager_RevokeAll Revoke All on All -revoke all previously granted permissions on all objects;


Privileges for

btnGroupManager select an existing database user/role/view/trigger/procedure to grant privileges to



Tick view the legend


NOTE:Items of the Navigation bar are also available on the ToolBar of Grant Manager. To enable the toolbar, open the Environment Options dialog, proceed to the Windows section there and select RadioButton Toolbar (if you need the toolbar only) or RadioButton Both (if you need both the toolbar and the Navigation bar) in the Bar style for child forms group.