Online Documentation for SQL Manager for InterBase/Firebird

Managing DDL grants

This tab allows you to define DDL grants (Create, Alter, Drop) for different object types to a user, role, view, trigger, or procedure.


Grant Manager - Managing DDL grants


Right-click a cell to grant a specific permission on a certain object type. The context menu of a cell contains possible permissions that can be granted:

iconGrantManager_Grant Grant

iconGrantManager_Revoke Revoke (removes a previously granted permission)

iconGrantManager_GrantWithGrantOption Grant with GRANT Option

iconGrantManager_GrantAll Grant All

iconGrantManager_RevokeAll Revoke All

iconGrantManager_GrantAllWithGrantOption Grant All with GRANT Option

iconGrantManager_GrantOnAll Grant on All

iconGrantManager_RevokeOnAll Revoke on All

iconGrantManager_GrantWithGrantOptionOnAll Grant on All with GRANT Option

iconGrantManager_GrantAll Grant All on All

iconGrantManager_RevokeAll Revoke All on All