Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2

View database changes

If you want to view committed database changes you can do it in one of the following ways:

  1. Right-click database alias in the DB Explorer and select Change management | History item from the popup menu or select the Tools | Change Management | History in the main program menu.
  2. Define the Period within the corresponding section. Changes made in this period will be displayed in the working area.
  3. At the top of the window you can find a table that displays information about changes made in the specified period. It displays transaction ID, Date when transaction was made, name of the User who made changes and Comment to a transaction if any. In the bottom part of the window you can view SQL statement of the selected action.
  • Using tags and change script:
  1. Right-click database alias in the DB Explorer and select Change management | Get Change Script item from the popup menu or select the Tools | Change Management | Get Change Script in the main program menu. Get change script wizard will appear.
  2. On the second step check RadioButton Generate differential script in order to generate a script reflecting difference between two database states.
  3. On the third step you may either select tags from the drop-down list to specify two database states to view changes between or pick up dates to define a period of changes.
  4. After that a generated change script will show you the differences between two database states.