Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2

Specifying COPY destination

Use this step of the wizard to define the destination of data to be copied and set filters for table selection.


Note: The step is available only if the COPY action was specified at the Specifying DB name and connection parameters step.


CLP Move - Specifying COPY destination



Copy mode

Select the copy mode from the drop-down list:


Creates all supported objects from the source schema, and populates the tables with the source table data.


Creates all supported objects from the source schema, but does not repopulate the tables.


Loads all specified tables from the source database to the target database. The tables must already exist on the target.


Target database

Select the target database from the drop-down list and then define the User name and Password required to connect to the database.



This group allows you to specify filters for selection of tables to be copied.


RadioButton Select tables manually

If this option is selected, you will be able to specify up to two additional filters (by schema, by table name), and to select tables at the next step of the wizard.


Use additional filters

This sub-group allows you to define additional filters for objects that will be available for selection at the next step. Available filters are:

CheckBox by schema

CheckBox by table name


Check/uncheck the boxes to enable/disable the filters. Use the editable area to specify filter criteria.

Note: You can use comma (,) as a delimiter for filter expressions. You can also use the asterisk (*) sign as a wildcard character that can be placed anywhere in the string when defining filters.

You can click the ellipsis EllipsisButton button to open the Additional filters dialog allowing you to manage the list of filters:


CLP Move - Additional filters



Type in a filter expression in the lower editable area.


The dialog allows you to Add, Replace and Delete filter conditions.

You can also reorder the filters in the list with the help of the btnMoveUp_blue btnMoveDown_blue buttons.



RadioButton Copy tables listed in file

If this option is selected, the utility will copy the tables that are listed in the specified file. Type in or use the ExplorerButton button to specify the path to the file using the Open dialog.



Click Next to proceed to the Selecting objects step of the wizard.