Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2

Specifying DEL file modifiers

The step is only available if the Delimited ASCII (DEL) file type was selected at the previous step. You can use this step to specify file modifiers for file of this type.


CLP Export - Specifying DEL ASCII file modifiers



Target codepage

Defines the codepage of the exported file.


CheckBox Suppress recognition of double character delimiters

If this option is enabled, the character delimiter is not doubled if it is present in character fields.


CheckBox Remove leading zeros from all exported decimal columns

If the option is enabled, all insignificant zeros will be removed during the export procedure.


CheckBox Prefix positive decimal values with a blank

If the option is selected, the blank space will precede the positive decimal values. Otherwise the positive decimal values will be prefixed by a plus (+) sign.


CheckBox Use ISO date format

Enable the option if you want the source date format data to be exported complying with ISO date format.


Timestamp format

Defines the timestamp data format.


Character string delimiter

Defines the character that will be used in place of double quotation marks to enclose a character string.


Decimal point character

Specifies the character that will be used in place of a period as a decimal point character.


Column delimiter

Defines the character that will be used in place of a comma to signal the end of a column.



Click the Next button to proceed to the Specifying LOB destination step of the wizard.