Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2

Using Navigation bar and Toolbar

The Navigation bar and Toolbar provide quick access to tools implemented in Dependency Tree.


Dependency Tree - Using Navigation bar



The Navigation bar of the Dependency Tree window allows you to:


Database group

iconDB select a database for browsing object dependencies


General group

iconRefresh refresh the currently displayed dependency tree

iconPrint print the diagram

iconPrintSetup set printing options using the Print Setup dialog

iconSaveAsPicture save the current diagram as a picture

iconOptions edit dependency tree options

iconRestoreDefaultSize restore the default size and position of the window


Object group

iconTools_DependencyTree_PrevObj navigate by switching to the previous object

iconTools_DependencyTree_NextObj navigate by switching to the next object

iconTools_DependencyTree_Subobjects show/hide subobjects

iconTools_SelectObject select a root object


Diagram Layout group

Use the drop-down list to specify the diagram layout: Show all, Show depending on Root, Show Root depends on.



Items of the Navigation bar are also available on the ToolBar of the Dependency Tree window. To enable the toolbar, open the Environment Options dialog, proceed to the Windows section there and select RadioButton Toolbar (if you need the toolbar only) or RadioButton Both (if you need both the toolbar and the Navigation bar) in the Bar style for child forms group.



Hint: Items of the Object panel of the Navigation bar are also available in the context menu of the Dependency Tree area.