Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2


This section allows you to set preferences pertaining to the Dependencies tab of object editors and the Dependency Tree tool.


Environment Options - Tools - Dependencies



CheckBox Use simplified resolving of object dependencies

Set this option to disable parsing while fetching object dependencies.


CheckBox Show subobjects in dependencies

With this option checked all subobjects e.g. indices, foreign keys etc. will be displayed in the dependency tree.


CheckBox Scroll current object into visible area of Dependency Tree

Checking this option enables to displace a big dependency diagram so as to display an object for which it was built.


Max number of history items in Dependency Tree

Set the maximum number of history items to be saved in Dependency Tree tool.


Dependency Tree diagram layout


RadioButton Show all objects

Check this option to view all objects of the dependency tree.


RadioButton Show only objects that depend on Root object

Set this option to view only objects that depend on Root object.


RadioButton Show only objects that Root object depends on

This option allows to display only those objects that the Root object depends on.


Note: Navigation through history items is performed by using the Previous object / Next object items of the Navigation bar.



See also:

Dependency Tree