Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2

Creating/editing event monitor

Use the Edit tab of Event Monitor Editor to create/edit an event monitor and specify its definition.


Event Monitor Editor - Editing event monitor definition




Enter a name for the new event monitor (this is a one-part name). The name is an SQL identifier (either ordinary or delimited). Note that the event-monitor-name must not identify an event monitor that already exists in the catalog.


Database partition number

Specify the database partition on which a file or pipe event monitor is to run.


Write to


RadioButton Table

Specifies that the target for the event monitor data is a table.


RadioButton Pipe

Specifies that the target for the event monitor data is a named pipe.


RadioButton Files

Specifies that the target for the event monitor data is a file (or set of files).


Depending on the Write to selection the Output tab contains different set of options.


Event Types

Select the types of events to be recorded (FOR clause).


CheckBox Activities

This option indicates that monitor will record activity events that occur when using the database.


CheckBox Locking

Enable this option to create an event monitor that will record lock-related events that occur when using the database.


CheckBox Threshold violations

This option is used to indicate that monitor will record threshold violation events that occur when using the database.


CheckBox Tables

This option specifies that the event monitor records table events for each active table when the last application disconnects from the database. An active table is a table that has changed since the first connection to the database.


CheckBox DeadLocks

This option specifies that the event monitor records deadlock events whenever a deadlock occurs. Check the CheckBox with Details option to enable extended recording of deadlocks. The CheckBox History option indicates that the event monitor data will also include the history of all statements in the current unit of work at the participating node and the statement compilation environment for each SQL statement

in binary format (if available). Use the CheckBox Values option to store data values used as input variables for each SQL statement.


CheckBox Connections

This option specifies that the event monitor records connection events when an application disconnects from the database. Use the Filter button to specify the WHERE event condition using the Filter for... dialog.


CheckBox Transactions

This option specifies that the event monitor records transaction events whenever a transaction completes (that is, whenever there is a commit or rollback operation). Use the Filter button to specify the WHERE event condition using the Filter for... dialog.


CheckBox Statements

This option specifies that the event monitor records statement events whenever execution of an SQL statement is finished. Use the Filter button to specify the WHERE event condition using the Filter for... dialog.


CheckBox Statistics

This option indicates that the event monitor will record statistics events that occur when using the database.


CheckBox Unit of work

Enable this option to create an event monitor that will record events when a unit of work completes.


CheckBox Database

This option specifies that the event monitor records database events when the last application disconnects from the database.


CheckBox Tablespaces

This option specifies that the event monitor records table space events for each table space when the last application disconnects from the database.


CheckBox BufferPools

This option specifies that the event monitor records buffer pool events when the last application disconnects from the database.



Start type


RadioButton Manual

Select this option to specify that the event monitor will not be started automatically each time the database is started (MANUALSTART option). Event monitors with this option must be activated manually.


RadioButton Autostart

Select this option to specify that the event monitor will be started automatically each time the database is started.


Note: You can easily start/stop an event monitor using the corresponding context menu item of the DB Explorer.


Other options


RadioButton Local

If this option is selected, the event monitor reports only on the partition that is running.


RadioButton Global

If this option is selected, the event monitor reports from all partitions.