Online Documentation for DB Comparer for Oracle

Opening / saving project

To open an existing DB Comparer project, select Project | Open Project... or use the btnOpenFile Open Project...button on the toolbar (Ctrl+O).




To save a DB Comparer project, select Project | Save Project (Save Project As...) or use the btnSave Save Project (btnSaveAs Save Project As) button on the toolbar (Ctrl+S / Ctrl+Alt+S). In the Project Options select Save Project button to save the currently edited project.


If this is the first time that this project is being saved or if you select Save Project As..., you are to specify the path to the project file and provide a name for the project file within the Save project options dialog.




Console options

CheckBox Synchronize databases after comparing

With this option the generated script is executed right after comparing. With this option disabled, the synchronization script is saved without executing.


CheckBox Abort script executing on error

This option specifies whether the synchronization script must be aborted on the error.



Select the database synchronization direction.


CheckBox Create script file

Enable to specify the path to create a command file for Command Line or PowerShell.


CheckBox Run in background mode

Enable to add the /B option and run the file in the background mode.


CheckBox Analyze renamed objects

Enable to add the /A option for comparison in the console application with the Analyze renamed objects option.


CheckBox Use localization

Enable it to add the /L option and output text in the console application on the same language as in the GUI.


Output file

Specify the directory to save the text file with SQL script.


Script type

Select Batch or PowerShell type of the file with the command.



Add custom text to describe the project. This info is saved to the template file in [#Comment#] section.