Online Documentation for Data Pump for SQL Server

Using context menus

The context menus available at Step 6 provide additional functionality for working with the script. Find the description of context menu items below.


The context menu of the Script editor area contains most of the standard text-processing functions (Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All) and functions for working with the script as a whole, e.g. you can set a marker, move the cursor to a particular line, change case of selected text, etc. Most of these operations can be also performed with the corresponding hot keys used.

Implementation of the Find Text / Replace Text dialogs and Incremental search contributes to more efficient work with the SQL code.


The context menu allows you to:

  • manage markers: Drop Marker, Collect Marker, Swap Marker;
  • toggle bookmarks allowing you to navigate through the query text and jump to a line with a particular number;
  • perform editing operations: Undo/Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Select all;
  • perform search and replace operations;
  • save/load a script to/from an external *.sql file;
  • load SQL script from a fixed template (for details see Save template options);
  • use the Quick Code group allowing you to toggle comments for code fragments, change case of the selected text, indent/unindent code lines.


Step 6 - Script area - Context menu


You can also use the context menu of the Script execution information grid to:

  • execute the currently selected SQL statement;
  • clear successfully executed statements from the Script execution information list;
  • select a statement in script editor;
  • copy the error message (if any) to the clipboard.


Step 6 - Script execution information - Context menu


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