Online Documentation for Data Comparer for InterBase/Firebird

Exporting comparison results

When the comparison process is finished, you can export comparison results using the corresponding dialog.


To open the dialog, use the Export btnExportResultList button which is available under the grid, on the right.


Step 3 - Exporting comparison results


Export type

RadioButton Current table - export comparison results for the current table only.

RadioButton All Tables - export comparison results for all tables.


Export directory

Type in or use the btnExplorer button to specify the output directory name and its location using the standard Save As... dialog.


Export format

This group allows you to select format of the output file:

RadioButton MS Excel

RadioButton RTF

RadioButton HTML

RadioButton MS Excel 97-2003


Record types

Use this group to define which records should be exported to the specified file:

CheckBox Identical records (colored iconGrid_IdenticalRecords in the grid)

CheckBox Missing records (colored iconGrid_MissingRecords in the grid)

CheckBox Different records (colored iconGrid_DifferentRecords in the grid)

CheckBox Additional records (colored iconGrid_AdditionalRecords in the grid)


If necessary, you can check the CheckBox Open output file after export option to open the result file with the associated program.


Click the Export button to perform the operation. For your convenience the progress bar displays the operation progress.