First of all, you must have a possibility to connect to some local or remote DB2 server to work with DB2 DB Extract. You can download DB2 database server from (download is free).
Besides, you need your computer to satisfy the system requirements of DB Extract for DB2.
You can configure the template files visually using the DB Extract wizard. Set the required extract options in all steps of the wizard and use the Tools | Save template menu item. All the options will be saved to a *.ext template file which can be used afterwards in the console application.
For working with a remote DB2 server you need to have DB2 Client installed on your workstation. Obviously file db2cli.dll is missing or corrupted. Please make sure that the DB2 Client software is properly installed on your PC.
EMS DB Extract for DB2 is a powerful and easy-to-use utility for creating database backups in the form of SQL scripts. It allows you to save metadata of all database objects as well as table data. DB Extract for DB2 includes a GUI wizard guiding you through the extract process step by step, and a command-line service for creating backups in one-touch.