Online Documentation for SQL Manager for PostgreSQL

Using Navigation bar and Toolbars

The Navigation bar and Toolbars provide quick access to tools implemented in Database Designer.


VDBD - Using Navigation bar




iconDB select a database for building the diagram


File group

iconNew create a new diagram;

iconLoadFromFile open an existing diagram;

iconSaveToFile save the current diagram to a *.pgd file;

iconSaveToFileAs save the current diagram as a custom file



Tick use Diagram Navigator


General group

iconVDBD_Undo cancel latest modification;

iconVDBD_Redo repeat canceled modification;

iconRefresh refresh objects in the diagram;

iconProperties Print setup - define printing settings;

iconPrint print the diagram;

iconPreview show Print Preview;

iconOptions edit diagram options

iconRestoreDefaultSize restore the default size and position of the window

Pages group:

iconVDBD_NewPage add a new page;

iconVDBD_DeletePage delete the current page;

iconVDBD_DeleteAllPages delete all pages.


Database Objects


VDBD - Database Objects pane


contains the list of objects (tables, views and functions) that can be placed to diagram.

Context menu of Database Objects group allows you to:

iconFindText search for objects in the diagram using the Database Objects pane;

iconPlus add objects to the diagram using the Database Objects pane;

switch objects view: As tree/As list;

enable/disable sorting by schema, object name or object name, schema;

iconRefresh refresh list of objects.


NB: You can enable\disable Toolbars and Navigation bars at Environment options.


The main toolbar (by default, the toolbar is located at the top of the diagram area) contains a number of tools (including items of the Navigation bar, context menu, tools for printing diagram, etc.) allowing you to:

iconDB select the database for building the diagram;

iconNew create a new diagram;

iconLoadFromFile open an existing diagram;

iconSaveToFile save the current diagram to a *.pgd file;

iconSaveAsPicture save the current diagram as an image;

btnVDBD_IncrementalSearch activate the Incremental search panel;

  • adjust diagram zoom for optimal representation: iconZoomIn zoom in, iconZoomOut zoom out, iconZoomFitModel fit model;

iconZoomSelectRectangleToFit switch cursor mode: select / select rectangle to fit;

iconPrintSetup open the Print Setup dialog;

iconPrint print the diagram;

iconPreview show Print Preview;

iconAlwaysOnTop arrange objects in the diagram;

btnExtractDB extract metadata of all objects in the diagram and load the script to Execute Script Editor;

btnReverseEngineer perform Reverse Engineering;

iconRefresh refresh objects in the diagram;

iconOptions view/edit diagram options;

  • specify a predefined zoom value;

iconRestoreDefaultSize restore the default size and position of the window.


Object Customization panel allows you to define font, font size, font style, font color and brush color.


VDBD - Toolbars - Main


The Pages toolbar (by default, the toolbar is located at the top of the diagram area) contains tools for working with diagram pages allowing you to:

iconVDBD_NewPage add a new page;

iconVDBD_DeletePage delete the current page;

iconVDBD_DeleteAllPages delete all pages.


Diagram toolbar located on the left allows you to:

iconVDBD_Select switch to object selection mode;

iconVDBD_CreateTable switch to create table mode (enables creating tables on clicking);

iconVDBD_CreateRelation switch to create relation mode;

iconVDBD_CreateVirtualRelation switch to create virtual relation mode;

iconVDBD_CreateComment switch to create comment mode;

iconVDBD_AlignLeftEdges align left edges;

iconVDBD_AlignRightEdges align right edges;

iconVDBD_AlignTops align tops;

iconVDBD_AlignBottoms align bottom;

iconVDBD_HorizontalCenters align horizontal centers;

iconVDBD_VerticalCenters align vertical centers;

iconVDBD_SpaceEquallyHorizontally space equally, horizontal;

iconVDBD_SpaceEquallyVertically space equally, vertical.


The New object toolbar (by default, the toolbar is located on the left side of the diagram area) allows you to:

  • set the cursor mode to Select;
  • create a new object (a table or a comment);
  • create a new relation;


VDBD - Toolbars - New object