Online Documentation for SQL Manager for Oracle

Creating/editing view

Use the View tab of View Editor to create/edit a view and specify its properties.



Specify the name of the view to be created. Note that the view name must be unique within its schema.



Use the drop-down list to specify the schema in which the view will be created.


View Editor - Editing view definition


CheckBox Force

Select this option if you want to create the view regardless of whether the base tables of the view or the referenced object types exist or the owner of the schema containing the view has privileges on them.


CheckBox Read only

This option indicates that the view cannot be updated.


CheckBox With check option

When enabled, this option indicates that Oracle prohibits any changes to the table or view that would produce rows that are not included in the subquery.


Constraint name

Use this edit box to specify the name of the CHECK OPTION constraint.



Specify names for the expressions selected by the defining query of the view, i.e. give new names to the view fields separating them with a comma. The number of aliases must match the number of expressions selected by the view.


The lower area of the editor window allows you to specify the SELECT statement implemented by the view, i.e. specify a subquery that identifies columns and rows of the table(s) that the view is based on. The DDL tab will display the changes made to the view specification.


For your convenience the code folding, syntax highlight, code completion and a number of other features for efficient SQL editing are implemented. For details see Working with Query data and Using the context menu.



To compile the object, use the corresponding iconCompile Compile item of the Navigation bar or toolbar.