Online Documentation for SQL Backup for SQL Server

Schedule backup database task daily

If you want a backup database task to be executed daily you need to create a policy with a Backup Database step and a schedule with appropriate parameters.


In order to do this perform the following operations:

  1. choose the database in the server explorer and select the Policy Maintenance Policies | CreatePolicy Create New Policy item of  its context menu;
  2. on the second step of policy wizard select the Steps section and click the Add Add button;
  3. in the Select Step dialog select the RadioButton Backup Database item;
  4. in the Backup Database step wizard opened configure backup settings; after all wizard steps completion the Backup Database step appears in the Steps list;
  5. select the Schedules section and click the Add Add button;
  6. in the opened Schedule editor set the following parameters:
  • Schedule type - RadioButton Recurring from date,
  • Occurs - Daily,
  • Recurs every - 1 day,
  • Daily frequency - RadioButton Occurs once at,
  • Occurs once at - launch time for backup database task execution;

then press the OK button

  1. complete all steps of the policy wizard.