Online Documentation for SQL Backup for SQL Server

FTP connection settings

Use this tab to edit FTP connection parameters.


Options - Cloud connections - Editor - FTP



Specify the name for the connection. The connection name must be unique among all that were already created.


Host address

Define the FTP host address. Here you can enter server name or its IP address (without specifying protocol).


Remote folder

Define the directory on the FTP server where backup files will be uploaded. If the specified directory does not exist on the server it will be created on the first upload process.


Set the authentication parameters for uploading backup files to the specified FTP server. Note that the specified user should have sufficient rights to write to the target folder. You can choose CheckBox Anonymous logon or provide User name and Password in the corresponding fields.



Select the protocol that should be used for backup files transferring. The possible values are:

  • FTP (Standard)
  • FTPS (Implicit SSL/TLS)
  • FTPS (Explicit SSL/TLS)



Specify the port the FTP connection should be executed through.



Select the mode of the FTP connection. The possible values are:

  • Passive (PASV)
  • Active (PORT)


If you have checked the CheckBox Use proxy option to connect to FTP you need to configure the following proxy settings: Server, Port, User name and Password.



Specify the timeout in seconds when a connection will be timed out because of inactivity on the data channel.


Click the Test connection button to check connection to the selected cloud storage.  Select the servers for checking connection in the opened dialog.