Online Documentation for SQL Administrator for SQL Server


The Permissions tab of the Sequence Editor window allows you to set permissions to users, roles and application roles.


Sequence Editor - Permissions



Principal Name

This column contains the name of the database-level principals (users, database roles or application roles).

Note: If you double-click the object name then the User Editor / Database Role Editor / Application Role Editor appears.


Right-click a cell within the permission column to grant a permission to the principal. The context menu of a cell allows you to:

  • grant a permission to the principal;
  • grant a permission (with Grant Option) to the principal;
  • deny a permission to the principal;
  • revoke a previously granted or denied permission;
  • grant all permissions to the principal;
  • grant all permissions (with Grant Option) to the principal;
  • deny all permissions to the principal;
  • revoke all previously granted or denied permissions.

Note: Permissions can be granted to a principal by double-clicking a corresponding cell in of the permission column.


Using the context menu you can access the dialog for managing effective permissions.