Online Documentation for SQL Manager for InterBase/Firebird

Creating/editing collation

Use the Collation tab of Collation Editor to view and edit the collation definition.


Collation Editor - Editting collation



Enter a name for the new collation, or modify the name of the collation being edited.


For charset

Use the dropdown list to select the charset present in the database.



Select the collation from the existing ones in Base name, or check the CheckBox External option and specify the name manually. The name should  strongly correspond to the collation existing in $fbroot/intl/fbintl.conf file.


Collation attributes

CheckBox  Pad space

Set this option ON to exclude pad spaces.


CheckBox Case insensitive

Set this option ON not to consider case in collations.


CheckBox  Accent insensitive

Set this option ON not to consider accents in collations.



Set the CheckBox  Use special attributes flag to add specific attributes to the collation.


Specify the Collation locale manually. It required to specify the exact Version of ICU library to use, or switching on the CheckBox Use default option.


CheckBox Disable compression of certain character sequence

Use this option to disable compression of certain character sequence. Compressions cause certain character sequences to be sorted as atomic units.


CheckBox Disable expansions of certain characters into character sequences

Use this option to treat certain characters as a sequence of characters and sort accordingly.


CheckBox Use more than one ordering level

Use this option to enable multi-level sorting.


CheckBox Order special characters before alphanumeric characters

Use this option to sort special characters before alphanumeric ones.


CheckBox Sort numeric characters in numerical order

Use this option to enable natural sorting order.