Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2

Using Navigation bar and Toolbar

The Navigation bar and Toolbar provide quick access to tools implemented in Query Builder.


Query Builder - Using Navigation bar



The Navigation bar of Query Builder allows you to:

Database group

iconDB select a database for the query


General group

iconExecute execute the current query

iconQueries_RemoveQuery clear the query

iconObjects_CreateView create a view

iconOptions configure Query Builder using the Query Builder Options page of the Environment Options dialog

iconRestoreDefaultSize restore the default size and position of the builder window


Objects group

iconDBExplorer browse objects of the database; you can also add tables and views to the diagram using drag-and-drop operations


Depending on the current tab selection, the Navigation bar expands to one or more additional panes with tab-specific actions that can be useful for working with queries:

Visual Builder group

iconLoadFromFile load a diagram from a *.vqb file using the Open diagram dialog

iconSaveToFile save the diagram to a *.vqb file using the Save diagram as... dialog


Change management group

This group of options is available only if the Version Control system is enabled. Here you can define whether to log executed script to VC always or only in case the script changes objects. Also define whether to ask a comment before run or after run.


Edit group

iconLoadFromFile load a query from an *.sql file using the Open SQL File dialog

iconSaveToFile save the query to an *.sql file


Data Management group

iconCommit commit transaction

iconRollback rollback transaction

iconTools_ExportData export the returned dataset using Export Data Wizard

iconTools_ExportAsSQLScript export the returned dataset as SQL Script using the Export as SQL Script wizard



Items of the Navigation bar are also available on the ToolBar of Query Builder. To enable the toolbar, open the Environment Options dialog, proceed to the Windows section there and select RadioButton Toolbar (if you need the toolbar only) or RadioButton Both (if you need both the toolbar and the Navigation bar) in the Bar style for child forms group.