Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2

Primary/Unique Key Editor

The Key Editor dialog allows you to view/edit the properties of the Primary/Unique key. It opens when you create a new key or view an existing one (see Create Key and View Key for details).


Tables - Key Editor



Use the Table Name drop-down list to select the table to create the key for.


The Table Fields area allows you to select key field(s).

To select a field, you need to move it from the Available fields list to the Selected fields list. Use the Move to Selected Move to Available buttons or drag-and-drop operations to move the fields from one list to another.


Key type


RadioButton Unique

This option determines uniqueness of the key.


RadioButton Primary key

This option determines whether the selected key field is a Primary key of the table.


Constraints Name

Use the edit box to specify the underlying Unique / Primary key constraint name.