Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2


If you need to create a note:

  • set the cell coordinates (Col and Row);
  • enter text of a note for the cell;
  • set the font and fill properties using the corresponding tabs.


The Base tab allows you to specify basic properties of the note to be added to the output Excel file.


Use the Col and Row spinner controls to specify the column and row for the note in the file.

Use the edit-box below to enter the text of the note.


Export Data - Format-specific options - Excel - Extensions - Notes - Base



The Font tab allows you to specify properties of the font that will be used for the note.


Use the Font and Size drop-down lists to select the font and size to be applied to the output text.

Use the buttons below to set font color, make text bold, italicized, strikethrough text, set underline effects, specify text horizontal and vertical align.


The Orientation group allows you to select the note text orientation:

RadioButton No rotation

RadioButton Top to bottom

RadioButton Counterclockwise

RadioButton Clockwise


Export Data - Format-specific options - Excel - Extensions - Notes - Font



The Fill tab allows you to specify the fill type and transparency for the note.


The Fill Type group allows you to select whether the fill color will be solid or gradient:

RadioButton Horizontal

RadioButton Vertical

RadioButton Diagonal up

RadioButton Diagonal down

RadioButton From corner

RadioButton From center

Click the btnExportData_BackgroundColor button to set the background color for the fill pattern.

Click the btnExportData_Color button to set the foreground color for the fill pattern.


The Transparency control allows you to set the transparency degree for the note. Move the slider between the 0% and 100% threshold values to select the required transparency value within this scope.


Export Data - Format-specific options - Excel - Extensions - Notes - Fill