Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2

Bars and menus

Use the Bars and menus section of the Visual options dialog to customize SQL Manager bars style, menus animation and a number of general options concerning toolbars and menus usage.


Visual Options - Bars and menus



Bar style

Use the drop-down list to select the painting style that will be applied to the bars:




XP native

Office 11


Note: If the XP native style is selected, bars use the currently applied XP theme to paint themselves. However, if the currently installed operating system is not Windows XP or the Windows Classic theme is currently applied, bars will be painted using the Enhanced style.


Menu animation

Use the drop-down list to specify the menu animation effects:

None (no animation)

Random (random choice: Unfold, Slide, Fade)

Unfold (unfolding menus)

Slide (sliding drop-down and popup menus)

Fade (menus fade in when appearing)


CheckBox Sunken border

If this option is enabled, the border of each dockable bar is drawn using sunken borders. Otherwise, no border is drawn around the dockable bar.


CheckBox Use F10 for menu

If this option is disabled, the application does not respond to the F10 key press events and the main menu will not will be called.


CheckBox Menu shows recent commands first

This option determines whether the most frequently used items will be placed in menus at first position.

If this option is enabled, frequently used menu items are "promoted" and displayed higher on the list. Unused and infrequently used menu items are visually suppressed and appear "collapsed".


Hint: If you wish to disable this feature, you can also right-click the toolbar and select the Customize... popup menu item to call the Customize dialog, then proceed to the Options tab within the dialog, and deselect the Menus show recently used commands first option.


CheckBox Show full menus after delay

This option is available only if the Menu shows recent commands first option is selected.

If this option is enabled, infrequently used menu items (if they appear "collapsed") will be automatically expanded after a delay upon setting mouse cursor (or upon selection with the Up/Down keys) on the bottom of the menu. Otherwise, the menu expands only after clicking its bottom-most button (or using the Ctrl+Down shortcut).


CheckBox Flat close buttons

This option determines the border style of the Close buttons.

If this option is enabled, the Close button is drawn flat. Otherwise, it has a 3D look.


CheckBox Gray-scale disabled images

This option specifies whether default images must be painted faded.

By default, images within disabled links are painted grayscale when the XP native or Office11 bar style is used. For other bar styles, such images are painted grayed out.

If this option is enabled, images of disabled links will be painted grayscale independently of the selected bar style.



Hint: The Reset to Defaults button which is common for all sections of the Visual Options dialog allows you to discard all changes and reset options to their defaults.