Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2


CheckBox Show only connected databases in drop-down menu

If this option is checked, only connected databases are displayed in drop-down menus of such tools as Query Builder, SQL Script, etc.


CheckBox Allow using parameters in query text

This feature allows you to specify different values within a query in a popup dialog just before the query execution. Use the colon (':') character before an identifier (e.g. :P1) to specify a parameter within the query.


CheckBox Asynchronous data opening

Check this option to allow getting object data in background mode (asynchronously).


CheckBox Asynchronous query execution

Check this option to allow executing queries in background mode (asynchronously).


Environment Options - Tools



New object editor should be opened for

Use this group to specify the database to open new editors for:

RadioButton Database currently selected in DB Explorer;

RadioButton Database selected in currently focused editor.