Online Documentation for SQL Manager for SQL server

Object Editors



CheckBox Convert created objects' names to lower case

Enable this option if you need to convert the names of all newly created objects to the lower case automatically.


CheckBox Always open the first tab

If this option is checked, the first tab is activated by default on opening an object in its editor.


Table Editor


CheckBox Show Object Explorer

Enables/disables the Object Explorer panel within the Navigation bar of Table Editor.


CheckBox Do not retrieve record count for a table

Check this option to disable retrieving record count for tables (with this feature enabled, opening large tables may take much time).


Environment Options - Tools - Object Editors



Object list style


These options allow you to define the style of the combo-boxes used to select database objects (e.g. Table or view in Trigger Editor). Objects can be represented as a tree, a list sorted by namespace or a list sorted by name. Use the CheckBox Ignore case option to enable/disable case sensitive sorting.


Procedure Editor

CheckBox Get info messages in Procedure Editor on execution of a procedure

This option enables/disables information messages returned upon procedure execution in Procedure Editor.